Reaching Farmers through Facebook

Facebook Marketing to Farmers

Currently you can only advertise on Facebook using limited criteria such as age, sex, and personal interest.

At best, you can only guess who may be a farmer on current limited criteria and end up targeting large segments who are simply not interested in your advertisement.

That is all about to change. Using Martins data, we can match to Facebook, enabling you to advertise to a very targeted group.

The Process:
  1. Martins run a count for you using the following selection criteria: By Farm type, Farm Size, Location.
  2. Martins uses this Data to match to Facebook
  3. Facebook returns the number of matches and creates a specific "Audience".
  4. We can then "share" this Facebook Audience with your Social Media Agency, or handle the whole process/campaign on your behalf; by creating and setting up a Facebook Advertisement linked to your website, then monitoring and reporting on the responses.

Farmers Data Prices

$0.50c a record to rent the data per Campaign
$250.00 Selection Fee
Plus GST

Facebook Advertising Campaign
A typical straight forward two week Facebook Advertising Campaign includes:
  • Creation of Facebook Advertisement
  • Placing this Advertisement into Facebook with links to your Website
  • Monitoring & Reporting responses and click-throughs to your website
The cost for this Facebook Advertising Campaign is $500.00 + GST