
New Zealand Agribusiness from Martins

New Zealand Farming and Agribusiness:   
With Fieldays at the end of November, which is the largest agricultural event in the Southern Hemisphere, we have a large number of Farms and Agribusinesses for you to make contact with after the event. Agriculture and farming is New Zealand's largest industry with sheep and cattle the main type, but horticulture is close behind. The foundation of our economy is the export of dairy products, meat, forest products, fruit & vegetables, and wine. If you need to contact these businesses we have a comprehensive database of farmers throughout the country with Personalised Mailing & Telemarketing information. For more info click Agricultural Businesses 

Sheep Farms - Sheep farming is a significant industry in New Zealand. Our country has the highest density of sheep per unit area in the world. They tend to be on the rolling to steep hill country classes of land. We have a total of 1,100 dedicated sheep farms for you to contact with Personalised Mailing & Telephone information. For more details click: Sheep Farms

Dairy Farms - New Zealand's Dairy industry is the 8th largest dairy producer globally. Our cows are grazed on pasture all year round, and product high quality milk for both the local and export market. We have over 8,000 diary farms throughout New Zealand with Personalised Telephone and Mailing information for these businesses. For more details click Dairy Farms

Sheep & Beef Farms - Sheep and Beef farming is an agricultural staple in New Zealand. We have 3,800 farms available for you to make contact with if your products and services resource this vital industry.  We have Personalised Telephone & Mailing information for these businesses. Sheep and Beef Farms

Horticulture - New Zealand horticulture covers kiwifruit, apples, other fruits, vegetables, organics, and flowers and seeds. Our reputation for high quality and safe food, combined with excellent growing systems is renowned. For a list of these businesses with Personalised Mailing and. Telephone addresses available, For more information click Agriculture List

Wine - The New Zealand wine industry is booming with the South Island becoming the centre for viticulture with our cooler climate. But the North Island produces elegant red wine varieties as well. We have 390 Grape growing vineyards for you to make contact with Personalised Mailing and Telephone addresses. Click Grape Growers

Data Digits - at a glance - Nationwide Personalised Contacts:

  1. 199,370 - Nationwide Businesses
  2. 1,980 - Exporters
  3. 12,000 - Businesses with over 20 Staff

Privacy Matters - Working with Sensitive Information
With recent high profile privacy breaches involving personal information, it is timely to be reminded of the best practice around working with sensitive personal information. The Privacy Commissioner has some useful advice on their website. Click Privacy Commissioner Guidance Resource then click on the Pdf 'Working with sensitive personal information'.

Give us a call on Ph: 09 636 1300 if you'd like any Agribusiness contacts to extend your reach into that market. We can also help in enhancing your database to give you the ability to drill down and get a clearer picture of your customers.