
Law and Audit Contacts

Featuring New Zealand Professionals. 

We have full contact details for both Legal and Financial Specialists for you to make contact with about your Business goods and services. It's essential in this changing market to have the right contact details to make sure your marketing dollar really counts. 

Lawyers: We have over 4,880 Lawyers at 1,700 Legal Practices around New Zealand. We can provide full mail, telephone and email addresses for you to make contact with these Professionals. We can also segment them geographically for you to reach the Lawyers in your area. For more info click Lawyers

Accountants: Essential in the running of all businesses we have a total of 4,280 Accountants at 2,400 Accounting Practices. Providing financial reporting, auditing, tax advice, and accounting information systems, these people are vital to keep track of the money. Click Accountants for more information.

Financial Advisors: Developing and advising Business Financial Plans, we have a total of 590 Financial Advisors at 400 companies nationwide. This advice is paramount in these times for NZ businesses to survive. For more information click Financial Advisors

Data Digits - Martins Data at a Glance
Financial Controllers - 1,300
Valuers - 270
Quantity Surveyors - 247
Real Estate Agents - 6,288
Mortgage Brokers - 230

Privacy Matters by Brent Martin - Big Changes in the Digital Space
As I downloaded the latest Apple IOS update this morning V.4.5, I began reflecting on the big shift in privacy in the last few years. I don't know if it is living in Covid time, but privacy has become a big deal with most people nowadays. Countries and companies are recognising this cultural shift, hence Apple releasing it's latest mobile operating system that enables users to easily block third party apps that track users movement across the web, so third parties can advertise to that user. Google Chrome has also announced that it will clock third party apps by the end of next year. Read the article here
Why is this a big deal? It is because a big chunk of the digital marketing spend at the moment is via these third party apps (or cookies). So although these apps promised to send highly targeted ads to consumers, they lack transparency in terms of how data is regulated, used and sold. So where to from here? The commentators all seem to agree that companies need to get back to basics of knowing their customers through personal interaction. They need to develop their own in-house database. We are excited about this development, as it means that we can not only supply you with your own relevant Business data, but we can also clean and enhance your existing database. This will ensure you maximise the use of your current database in this new ex Third Party era.

Please give us a call to discuss how we can help with your business Database on Ph: 09 636 1300