
Delivering Business Data for 30 Years!

 30 Years in Business!!   
We're proud to announce that Martins have been in Business for 30 years, providing accurate New Zealand Business Databases.  That's quite a feat!  

Back in 1989, we started with our first database of Architects, and the database has grown from there to 150,000 New Zealand Businesses covering all industries.

Our core business of compiling and maintaining accurate data has remained unchanged in that time - made possible by a loyal and dedicated team who understand data inside out.

Eat, Drink Stay and Play
Martins have great data for Cafes, Restaurants, Hotels and Conference Venues.  If you have a product or service to profile to this industry, we can help.  We supply data by region, industry, job title, and staff size, allowing you to reach everyone in this valuable audience.  For more information Click here

Privacy Matters
With the new Privacy Act likely to be law later in 2019, now may be a good time for your organisation to do a stock-take of your privacy processes.  The Privacy Commissioner has a Privacy Trust Mark in recognition for excellence in privacy practices.  The Privacy Trust Mark identifies products and services that the Privacy Commissioner considers to be outstanding in the way they manage personal information.  This certification will last for a period of two years.  For more information Click here 

Give us a call on 09 636 1300 or email us at: auckland@martins.co.nz and we'll help you identify your exact target market.  We can also help in tidying up your existing database, by either providing fresh accurate contacts, or enhancing your database to give you the ability to drill down, segment, and get a clearer view of your customers.